Clindamycin for strep throat infection

Clindamycin and strep throat? - Yahoo!.
19.03.2009 · Best Answer: Different antibiotics are better at killing different bacteria. If you are not feeling noticably better 24 hours after taking an antibiotic
Strep Throat Symptoms, Contagious,.
Clindamycin for strep throat infection
Can strep throat cause ear infections? |.Is Clindamycin used to treat strep.
Is Clindamycin used to treat strep.
Nobody likes having to cope with a severe sore throat. Apart from its physiological effects, it also affects your mood and your plans you made while being healthy.

What are the symptoms of strep throat and how does it differ from a regular sore throat? Take this quiz to learn causes, symptoms, treatments, prevention, diagnosis
Clindamycin is a second line antibiotic used for treating strep throat. It can be used if the patient is hyperactive to penicillin.
Strep throat is a contagious infection with symptoms like fever, nasal drainage, sore throat, swollen glands, difficulty swallowing, and irritability. Treatment of
18.04.2009 · Best Answer: Yes, it can be used for strep throat. Clindamycin is a stronger antibiotic. They normally prescribe Amoxicillin, but if all you have is
Streptococcus Sensitivity to Clindamycin Can clindamycin treat strep throat - The.