2wire 5012nv user guide

2Wire 5012NV-002 Firmware Upgrading.
2wire 5012nv user guide
Having Trouble Port Forwarding SRCDS.Sharing is caring.
Win 7 64 I have an icon on the desktop that will not delete ( It was preveusly deleted then reapeard on the desktop). When I attempt to delete the message I receve is 2Wire 5012NV-002 Firmware Upgrading.
2wire 5012nv user guide
Flashing orange power light indicates the upgrading of the firmware on the 2Wire 5012NV-002. Firmware updated to
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HomePortal® 5011NV/5012NV Intelligent Gateway Configuration Guide Release 0.1 Notice to Users © Copyright 2010 2Wire, Inc. All rights reserved.
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